maanantai 15. huhtikuuta 2013

Finally some answers.

Why I'm here? If you where wondering that out, not to worry my dear reader, I will break it down for you just now. I try to keep it simple, ok?

This is not a holiday. ( this is a reminder for me 2..) I was actually chosen to be a part of a skate documentary (working title) called Helsinki & Sydney project, and we are filming here in Sydney for the next month. Also a little bit in Melbourne, but that is not so relevant. What I will mostly do is skating at all this crazy good spots, but also I will be interviewed about my skating history and style in general. I live here with the movie director, Martta and cameraman, Kerttu. (actually lady, but not so relevant either). After that being said, punch of feminist are going to set my house on fire. Plz guys.. I mean girls, just don't?

Tomorrow, is a big day for all of us, because it is the first official filming day. I'm soooo stoked about it and those 2 are just blody nervous all the time!? ... Okay, maybe not all the time, but mostly they are just excited about this like they should be. 

Finally,  I have to say: ( sorry if I'm being cheesy.) I'm so happy about this once in a life time opportunity that you guys are giving me. This is freakin huge.

Here's some random photos taken today.

This is why Australia is awesome. Drive trough liquor store.

Sorry about morning face, but look!! Sea water makes my hair do "RogerMoore" everyday!
Isn't she a beauty?

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