maanantai 29. huhtikuuta 2013

Did I hear you right, ollie over a car?!

I wanted to go to the beach. Really badly. Forecast said that it will be hot and sunny day. Roland said no, he has something better in mind. Still, I really, really wanted to go to the beach but I'm so glad we didn't go  because next day when I arrived to the Victoria Road 190, Roland and his friend Ross was building a ramp.  For commercial shoot. For Black Cab photo booth car (It's like a cab where you can take photos of yourself in the backseat). Roland was going to jump over it, with a skateboard. LIKE how fucking insane was that. Or this  "And you, Fanni. You are acting in this commercial.". Like o__o .. "okay" Like, why not? of course I will help him with this project, but me?... I feel so shiny and special.

So what I did do? First time in my life, I tried real skitching . If you don't know what it means, it is act of hitching a ride by holding on to car while riding on a skateboard. So you go pretty fucking fast. And I also tried to be pulled by a dog. It was cool too. But yeah, back to acting. So Roland was pulled by this cute dog and I was going to this car like " Hey cool car, I want take some photos in it" and just when I were going inside, Roland jumps over the car and im like "OMG." and go inside to the car. Next scene, me and Roland started boozing and take these crazy pictures, also with this dog. Then we left the photo booth car like, yeah cool. And that's all of it. Shootings started at morning and lasted all day so I was pretty tired but still there was some energy to scoop couple of drinks.

Today, I wanted still go to that fucking beach. Of course, I didn't found the beach but in central I tried this private pool in Victoria Park. It was nice to see how sun burned all those rich, white people.

Roland and Ross

photo booth pics

Sun worship 666


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