perjantai 26. huhtikuuta 2013

Drink and be merry

Where did we go, what did we do, with who did we do it and what did we have done to us.

FREE DAY. At last. What we should do.. Oh I know!! Drink till we drop. In this kinda situations, I want to quote famous finnish pop singer Kaijo Koo's lyrics; "Kantakaa sitä kaljaa pöytään taas". We even saw this
Finnish girl Kaisa today. It was pretty weird shit. We were talking about beer in Finnish (kalja) and she just passed us with a bike and screemed "KALJAA". She is the first person here who has been talking Finnish to us so I thought  "Hey I have to check this girl out." and Roland borrowed me his skateboard and I catched her. I think I have never gone so fast with this penny skateboard. I almost felt like I was some sort of an a superhero. Anyway we are meeting her maybe on weekend so it was totally worth it.

Back to the business. So we did drink. A lot. First in Roland's friends' house and then in this gay club called "Zenzi Bar" in Newtown. It was crazy because before we even left the apartment, we were fucking wasted. We tried this drink called "Goon" and it just hit like in the head like Titanic in iceberg. So when we were get close to the bar, Roland found a shopping trolly and pushed me in it and tried to sell me to everybody. There was some girls interested but I'm really glad that he decided to keep me.

And rest of that trip is really blurry, embarrassing and fun. Like when Roland was getting grinded by this "lady" and he turned around and just said: "I saw the boobs and I saw the face and I was like...It is a!!" Like fuck why there is no sound recorder when you really need one. Anyway, then my friends left to another bar and I was on my own in this sea of lesbians. Fuck. In that part of the night I got this really big black hole in my memory, like I was too drunk. Way too drunk to even speak proper English to anyone. Maybe I will tell more later. When I remember it better. Well I can tell you that when I left I tried to go to this another lesbian bar and the security guy was like " Hey dude, you are wayyy too toxicated." And I was so mad but just turned around and tried to act cool like " Okhay.". And you know, if you are wasted, that word is so hard to say.

Well next day was fun. My roommates saved my computer because I was sleeping and using it as a pillow. Shame that they didn't take a photo. Here is are some pictures to cover it up:

Goon mmm

Can you ride this bad boy two on top?

Yes you can.

honeymoon photo

Waiting line to the gay club.  Sucky

Oh boyo

Next day you have to pay it back

Hangover food invented by me. Tofu, noodles and bread.

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