maanantai 29. huhtikuuta 2013

Did I hear you right, ollie over a car?!

I wanted to go to the beach. Really badly. Forecast said that it will be hot and sunny day. Roland said no, he has something better in mind. Still, I really, really wanted to go to the beach but I'm so glad we didn't go  because next day when I arrived to the Victoria Road 190, Roland and his friend Ross was building a ramp.  For commercial shoot. For Black Cab photo booth car (It's like a cab where you can take photos of yourself in the backseat). Roland was going to jump over it, with a skateboard. LIKE how fucking insane was that. Or this  "And you, Fanni. You are acting in this commercial.". Like o__o .. "okay" Like, why not? of course I will help him with this project, but me?... I feel so shiny and special.

So what I did do? First time in my life, I tried real skitching . If you don't know what it means, it is act of hitching a ride by holding on to car while riding on a skateboard. So you go pretty fucking fast. And I also tried to be pulled by a dog. It was cool too. But yeah, back to acting. So Roland was pulled by this cute dog and I was going to this car like " Hey cool car, I want take some photos in it" and just when I were going inside, Roland jumps over the car and im like "OMG." and go inside to the car. Next scene, me and Roland started boozing and take these crazy pictures, also with this dog. Then we left the photo booth car like, yeah cool. And that's all of it. Shootings started at morning and lasted all day so I was pretty tired but still there was some energy to scoop couple of drinks.

Today, I wanted still go to that fucking beach. Of course, I didn't found the beach but in central I tried this private pool in Victoria Park. It was nice to see how sun burned all those rich, white people.

Roland and Ross

photo booth pics

Sun worship 666


lauantai 27. huhtikuuta 2013

Sweet Board O´Mine

Skating, that is what I love and hate to do. When i'm killing it in the park I cheer to my glory and when things aren't going in my way, I usually blame the board. Of course. But what board I roll? What wheels I like to use? Why nobody would give a shit? Geez. Happy or not, here is my equipment for pushing plank.

Okay, lets start on the deck. I Like use really high concave board. This baby right here is 7.625 board from my local store Cartel. Tampere fo life. 

My trucks are these Iron lo 145. These are really good trucks and your wallet will agree on that. 

I like my wheels hard. That sounded weird but it's true. Harder, better, faster, stronger. Don't you agree? ..........Okay let's go back to wheels. I roll with these Jart Urban wheels 51mm 100a. I use Spitfire Cheapshot bearings, cheap like soap and i'm rolling like a pimp!

Kovat nakit 

Shoes are of course; Nike SB Stefan Janoski Mid brown/black. Ttly worth of spending a little bit money on these because they last long and feel really comfy.


Special thanks to Cartel boys, who sponsored me this board. Isolla sydämmellä T: Fanni

perjantai 26. huhtikuuta 2013

Drink and be merry

Where did we go, what did we do, with who did we do it and what did we have done to us.

FREE DAY. At last. What we should do.. Oh I know!! Drink till we drop. In this kinda situations, I want to quote famous finnish pop singer Kaijo Koo's lyrics; "Kantakaa sitä kaljaa pöytään taas". We even saw this
Finnish girl Kaisa today. It was pretty weird shit. We were talking about beer in Finnish (kalja) and she just passed us with a bike and screemed "KALJAA". She is the first person here who has been talking Finnish to us so I thought  "Hey I have to check this girl out." and Roland borrowed me his skateboard and I catched her. I think I have never gone so fast with this penny skateboard. I almost felt like I was some sort of an a superhero. Anyway we are meeting her maybe on weekend so it was totally worth it.

Back to the business. So we did drink. A lot. First in Roland's friends' house and then in this gay club called "Zenzi Bar" in Newtown. It was crazy because before we even left the apartment, we were fucking wasted. We tried this drink called "Goon" and it just hit like in the head like Titanic in iceberg. So when we were get close to the bar, Roland found a shopping trolly and pushed me in it and tried to sell me to everybody. There was some girls interested but I'm really glad that he decided to keep me.

And rest of that trip is really blurry, embarrassing and fun. Like when Roland was getting grinded by this "lady" and he turned around and just said: "I saw the boobs and I saw the face and I was like...It is a!!" Like fuck why there is no sound recorder when you really need one. Anyway, then my friends left to another bar and I was on my own in this sea of lesbians. Fuck. In that part of the night I got this really big black hole in my memory, like I was too drunk. Way too drunk to even speak proper English to anyone. Maybe I will tell more later. When I remember it better. Well I can tell you that when I left I tried to go to this another lesbian bar and the security guy was like " Hey dude, you are wayyy too toxicated." And I was so mad but just turned around and tried to act cool like " Okhay.". And you know, if you are wasted, that word is so hard to say.

Well next day was fun. My roommates saved my computer because I was sleeping and using it as a pillow. Shame that they didn't take a photo. Here is are some pictures to cover it up:

Goon mmm

Can you ride this bad boy two on top?

Yes you can.

honeymoon photo

Waiting line to the gay club.  Sucky

Oh boyo

Next day you have to pay it back

Hangover food invented by me. Tofu, noodles and bread.

tiistai 23. huhtikuuta 2013

How to survive in Australia

Written by Fanni Vihersaari

If you have considered to travel to Australia, here are some tips to get started.

 YOU CANNOT COME IF: If you have committed a crime or if you carry prohibited items ( that is huge list of strange things because Australians want to protect their nature.)

- Left-Hand traffic. Golden rule; Learn to go with the flow or you will hit every other person on the street or get killed if a car hits you.

- Australia, land of stupid rules. Remember that or they will give ticket for forgetting.

- Don't smoke. Or do and spend all your money on these ugly ass cigarette packs. Every pack costs roundabout 18$ so in euros its about 15e. LIKE.. holy shit that's like 3 packs of cigarettes in Finland.

- Don't drink. Or do you will spend all your money on booze. Like i'm doing right now. Well beer is kinda cheap so you will survive. Remember that you cannot buy alcohol from grocery stores, neither some restaurants. They don't licence for it.

- Animals. Australia is home for some of the deadliest animals in the world. Don't harm them, and maybe they will not harm you. If you are really scared of cockroaches or spiders, this is the place to get cured from your phobia. One way or another.

- Australians. Generally they are really socially skilled people so just go and talk. There is always someone ready to yak with you. Just you know, go for it! You got nothing to lose!

-Weather, Skating in general. Almost everyday is hot and sunny. So skating weather is + 10, because asphalt dries quickly even after rain. Sydney is full of great spots and gaps to skate. In town or in skatepark.

This is how to get started in land down under - fan

Here some random photos. WARNING contains disturbing images

watching contemporary dance (Nykytanssia) 

SO nice park.

Boozing, Cruisin.


Upea kulta

bäkki 180 MAN

Possum. (opossumi) CUTE


Hard day at the office. Rooftop bar 

lauantai 20. huhtikuuta 2013

It's The Hard Knock Life

Over 1 week in Australia and maybe it sounds cheesy, but everyday is better than the other. But still, everything is not sunshine here. But let me tell you first about yesterday. We did meet up with this local skater guy  Roland. He was so nice and helpful when it comes to this project. He showed us some spots and also invited us to some parties too so that was really nice.

When it got darker, we decided to go back home because we had tickets to this premiere of punk documentary called "Distorted". It is about the Sydney punk scene in 1977. It was ok, but maybe better to the locals because I don't now shit about Australia punk scene overall. At least now I know a little bit more so it was maybe more like learning experience to me. 

Now to the bad side of life. I think someone just robbed me. Like 80 bucks. I think it was my own ignorance too but it still PISSES ME OFF like hella lot. Also I thought, that I bought cheap sanitary pads for best days of the month but they turn out to be some sort of adult diapers.Yeah really, Like VAIPAT. So we laughed at them for couple minutes when I realised that I really have to use them because there was nothing else to use. Only these fucking Tena ladies.

I get use to this kinda shit to happen, but our director almost died on her own laughter.

hello potato, can you tell where is tomato

This artwork. Just pure beautiful

Upea kulta Roland and Rainer

This is an innovative group exhibition of living sculpture with in 13 purpose-built rooms. So sort of an gallery. Fucking cool thought.

3 x Päivi Räsänen ihmettelee


so sexy front of sydney