keskiviikko 8. toukokuuta 2013

Kotiin lähdön aika

Laukut somasti rivissä. Vielä hetki ja olen lentokoneessa. En tiedä oikein mitä pitäisi ajatella asiasta. Enkä edes halua pohtia asiaa sen enempää. Antaa sen hautua.

Australia. Olen käynyt kahdessa paikkaa ennen tätä, Ruotsissa ja Canarialla. En laske Viroa mukaan. Eli voisi sanoa että en ole mikään reissaaja. Itseasiassa en todellakaan ole. Halua olisi, mutta rahaa vähemmän. Sitten tuli eteen tämä projekti. Matkat ja asuminen maksettaisiin, kunhan skeittaan Sydneyssä. Anteeksi kuinka. Aluksi tuntui hieman oudolta myönnättäköön. Olin innoissani edes että minua harkittaisiin tälläiseen mutta takaraivossa viilsi ajatus että tää on joku suomimafia joka lupailee reissuja, vie rahat ja neitsyyden. Enihau, tänne mää sitten 2 viikon varotusajalla tupsahdin lauta kainalossa ja kahden ennestään tuntemattoman ihmisen kanssa asumaan kuukaudeksi hipster-mökkiin. Anteeksi kielenkäyttöni mutta mitä vittua. Tästä tulee huippua. 

Roland. Alkujaan Libanonilainen naistennielijä herrasmies. Killer laudan pällää, aivan tykki. Musta tuntuu että se on mun kadonnut isoveli. Oikeesti. Helvetin ihana tyyppi, suunnitteilla jo Rolandin lähettämistä suomeen, vaikka postissa tai raketilla.  Äskön se tuli hyvästeleen meidät. Kahvia muille ja mulle kaljaa. 10:00 am. En aijo tirauttaa selvinpäin kyyneltäkään. Mä rakastan tota jäpää. One of a kind I tell you. 

Meillä alkaa oleen kiire joten let's make it simple. Reissu oli ehdottomasti jotain minkä haluaisin vielä kokea uudestaan. Australia on loistava paikka skeittaa jos on ylimäärästä rahaa yhtään enempää. Mukavia, jopa liian ystävällisiä ihmisiä pullollaan ja luonto ihan omaa luokkaansa. Suosittelen. 

Eiköhän tää ollu tässä. Fanni kuittaa ja kiittää;

Martta ja Kerttu. Äiti, iso sponssi ja tuki. Lee.Roland.Cartellin pojat sponssista
Skater Girls in melbourne. Skaters in Sydney. Kalevan Poppoo. Pajasto. Blogin lukiat ja Muut hörhöt. 

Tässä linkki mainokseen jossa olin messissä! : 


maanantai 6. toukokuuta 2013


Melbourne. What a about it? Well It's big city in Australia and there is very unpredictable weather. So many locals joked about it, that you can experience 4 seasons in one day. I wasn't laughing because when our plane landed to MLB, there was really much air pockets (ilmakuoppia) and one lady sitting behind me was praying that we could land safely. Like really, praying. I think she was really thinking that this is it. We all. Are going, to DIE. I was a little bit afraid too but.. okay like a lot. Almost shitting my pants - afraid. I totally blame girl behind me being so fucking hysterical. When we landed safely, everybody felt this huge wave of relief and started to cheer and clap their hands together. Tiger Airlines, fucking scary, cheap airplane made of paper.. but don't worry mom, I'm still alive and not fully traumatized! Hehe.. . So distance between SDN and MLB is around 700km so flying was a good option compared to going with train fo 14 hours. That would be Bangkok all over again. ( Waiting 10 hours there for the next flight to AU. It was kinda shitty situation.)

We were staying two days with our friend's, Roland's relatives. I swear to (not)god, They were the nicest people I've ever met. Like, they asked if we were hungry and we said no and they ordered 3 pizzas for us. Like ok, i'm not really hungry... "Well what do you Fanni want to your pizza?" ... " Well okay. I'm a meat lover so something like.." " Okay, one Meat Lover coming trough!" and there was like 4 different meat in it and I barely could eat two slice of it. I think they really wanted me to gain some extra pounds there. I think they succeeded.

So, but why we were here in Melbourne. In Australia there is only one big girl skate competition and we wanted to film those girl skaters. When we arrived to that indoor skate park I was fucking blown away about that how good these girls actually were. And no wonder, because that indoor skate park was fucking good place to skate. Full of ledges, stairs, banks, wallrides, gaps and even a mini ramp! I decided to only just sit back, and have fun watching that competition. See how these girls were killing it. Still regret it though that I didn't go. But really, you cannot see this back home though. But yeah first place won Shanae Collins, Gz! Girls were so nice that they asked me to go with them to after party. First I were thinking like naah, I cannot do it. Alone with these random girls in a weird city? But then Rollo spoke some sense to me like this is once in lifetime opportunity to go and party in Melbourne. So I said fuck this,  I'll go and have some fun with local girl skaters! Ttly worth it. But next day I headed back home and I was wondering alone in Melbourne and of course, got lost multiple times. Fuck, Metro is not the best way to travel when you have hangover and in strange city alone. Still you shouldn't get worried again mom. I Found back to our house. ( If you know me, this is a sort of a miracle.)

Whole trip was little bit odd, and we were happy to fly back in Sydney. Because It's strange, but I'm starting to feel like this place almost feel like I'm in home. Month has gone so fast.

Taksi anarkistit lentokentällä

Batman Station 

This girl runned front of me and turned around and smiled at my camera for 5 secs..  So cute!

Local breakdancers

We need one of these to Finland

This Girl was like 10 years old and look. Backside 50/50 in ya face

Pose gurl

After Party in Luulao

At last, right metro.

Skate or die

Back in Sydney. Real nerd can cook and be on computer at same time. Too easy

torstai 2. toukokuuta 2013

Toranga Zoo

You know what time is it? ... Zoo Time! Koalas! Lions! Gorillas! Platypusses?! What ever!!

Me, Kerttu and Martta decided to keep this day as an day off and we went to local Zoo. Whole shit (ferry,sky safari, zoo) costs approximately 52 bucks but like seeing all those rare animals.. ttly worht it. But enough with this bliiblaa talking, here is some pictures taken today. Enjoy!

Our ride today. Ferry!

Sydney Opera House. Again. But look how cool it is. Its almost like it just lay there saying  like:
"Hey bitches.. just chillin , look how sharp I look today." 

Toranga. It sounds and looks like James Bond would kill some bad people in there. To-ra-nga..tidi ti dii. 

What did I say about James Bond? Aawwyeah.


Hi there.

So dark! Shamee.. well there goes platypus!

Well this is better picture


Me and my mob yo 



This thing.. Its huge.
Tomorrow to Melbourne! 

..  also 7 days and back to Finland.. sadface